Staff Member: Mark Keeley

Mark Keeley

Phone: 918-456-9334

Deacon Mark Keeley, a 1987 convert from Methodism, has lived his entire Catholic life in St. Brigid Parish. He married his wife Janice in 1987 and was ordained a deacon in 2001. In 2003 Mark professed to the Secular Francisan Order and has been minister (president) of the local Little Portion Fraternity. He has been deacon at Spanish Liturgical services.
A proponent of small church communities, he and Janice have belonged to one or more small groups for most of the past 27 years. They are Cursillo graduates and have done Marion Consecration. Mark has had post-ordination training in spiritual direction.
The couple has blended a family of three children and now has three grandchildren. Mark is a 30-year employee of the Cherokee Nation and currently works as an in-patient dietician at Hasting Hospital.